With your help, I can buy a powerful generator, enough fuel and fix my health with a pretty simple surgery, on which I simply don't have funds now. Stress because of the war and my inborn health issues also didn't become better during this time. During blackouts, not only basic things like shower or cooking are not available for me, but I also can't work - work to bring you new content. My last blackout lasted almost 3 days - 3 days without electricity, water and heating at winter.

It launches dozens of missiles not at our military bases, but at critical energy infrastructure. While the world now knows: the victory of Ukraine is only a matter of time, the terrorist state of russia, in denial of this, resorted to thing it does best - terrorism. All these possibilities will bring an even more intimate experience for those who still brave the lands of Tamriel.The most important status update since the beginning of russian invasion.Īs many of you know, I'm Ukrainian. Players can choose their real names, a fantasy-sounding name that fits best with their race, or even funny names for laughs (like the xX_dragon_killer_420_69_Xx Ruta used as an example). With the Say My Name mod, players can be called as they please, even the most Khajiit or Orcish names. Skyrim is well known for its character customization, but no matter the player’s race and name, most NPCs always called you Dragonborn or variations of it. Sometimes, the difference will be so subtle that it’s hard to notice there’s anything amiss due to NPCs maintaining their voice and tones almost equal to the original. The mod isn’t perfect, but it sounds way better than expected-even when you use odd names like xX_dragon_killer_420_69_Xx, the first example Ruta showed in the video.

A video showing the software changing the voice lines of some NPCs as they talk to the player character surfaced earlier this week on Ruta’s YouTube channel, as spotted by PC Gamer.